Our values

Who are we?

We are Matthieu, Aurélie and Thierry ; but this is not really important.

We share the same values, and this is important.

During a breakfast, Matthieu held out his paper business card to Aurélie.
Aurélie answered to him:  : “Well… this is not really sustainable…”

Of course.

BastaPrint was born, with 4 core values.

1. The planet, for all of us

We are acutely aware of the fragility of the planet. BastaPrint follows an eco-responsible approach, and helps you to do the same.

Our actions, on a daily basis, are oriented towards :

  • a reduction of our carbon footprint, to limit our impact on climate change
  • respecting biodiversity, which is a testimony to the beauty of the planet and guarantees our food security
  • having as little impact as possible on material and water resources
The glaucus atlanticus lives on the back

2. The privacy, for our 55 000 registered users

We understand that your data is important.

We will never sell your data.

We do our best to protect your data from malicious eyes: we have been operating web servers without problems for more than 20 years…

At the slightest doubt, you can write to us (data@bastaprint.com) to ask us to delete your data: it is a legal obligation, but it is especially a moral obligation.

For information, as of January 2023, we have more than 55 000 registered users.

3. The quality, for you

We like to do a good job, and we pay a lot of attention to the quality of the cards we send to our customers.

The supports we offer are noble materials (a variety of wood species) or responsible (biodegradable PVC).

The engraving or printing is done with high precision equipment.


4. The useful innovation, for pleasure

Innovation can lead to gadgets or products that change our daily lives.

We focus on useful innovations, those that require little effort and bring simplicity. Clearly, contactless information transfer (NFC, QR-code) is one of them.